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Anuttara Yoga Forms

Anuttara Raja Yoga

Yoga quiets the mind. Your consciousness is the witness to your thoughts and your emotions. Yoga helps you to identify with that witness and not the vagaries of mind and emotion.

There is no stretching in Raja. We surrender to gravity to have the connective tissues gravitationally pulled and rejuvenated.

Anuttara Raja Yoga is a powerful and highly effective style of Yoga to restore full range of motion and physical function.

This practice is unique to Anuttara and it is steeped in the tradition of Classical Indian Yoga blended together with modern science. 

Anuttara Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa means “to place in a special way”. It is based on proper alignment, logical and progressive sequencing. It focuses on the graceful and smooth transitions between pose, counter pose and repose.

Anuttara Vinyasa makes use of driving, uplifting and powerful music. This focuses the group to synchronize movement and breath with the rhythm and meter that music offers.

Instruction is mostly visual as well as auditory. The teacher leads through example as well as providing minimal instruction.

Anuttara Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga incorporates movement and breath with muscular engagement. The students practice the stock poses of traditional Hatha Yoga in logical sequencing and safe progression. The instructor provides detailed instructions, modifications and assists to the students based on their needs.

“Hatha Yoga is like a stairway that leads the aspirant to the higher reaches of Raja Yoga.” ~ Hatha Yoga Pradipika

What do You Need for your Anuttara Yoga Practice?

How to Prepare for Yoga
  • If at home, find a warm, safe place to practice
  • Plenty of water before, during and after practice
  • Traction mat with beach towel
  • Blocks and props are unnecessary in Anuttara Yoga

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