
Live on Zoom
Every Other Monday!

The philosophy of yoga is best explained through a series of stories. Join us on zoom as Philip Christodoulou takes you on this journey. You will discover how yoga is intertwined with our science, anatomy, culture, philosophy and history. You will have the opportunity to engage and ask questions.

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Every 2nd Monday: 7pm Est

Discussion Matter

What You Need to Know

First Session is 100% Free

After that you can signup for an online subscription which also has a 1 month trial special!

100% Online

Join us from the comfort of your home anywhere in the world. Subscribers will have access to the library of recordings

Fully Immersive & Interactive

This is a learning and Q&A Experience. Come with all your questions about yoga.

The mind is the source of suffering. When we quiet the mind, we achieve mastery over our reactions to circumstance.​

Philip Christodoulou