
Embark With Us on the Journey of a Lifetime​

Join us for Anuttara Raja Yoga Teacher Training as we explore the traditions and roots of yoga. The in-depth training will immerse you in the history, culture, language, lineage and practice of Anuttara Raja Yoga.

Course Facilitated by: Philip Christodoulou

Anuttara Raja Training

Please read training terms and conditions in the sections below. Buy purchasing your training you are agreeing to these terms.

This course centers on the study of the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali — the essence of Raja, or Classical, Yoga.

In Part 1, students learn Sanskrit basics, psychology and philosophy that are the foundation of Anuttara Raja Yoga. We will break down each Sutra, word by word, and delve into its meaning.

Once we understand the philosophy, we have a deeper appreciation of the physiology of our body, the workings of the mind and the anatomy of movement.

Yogacarya Philip Christodoulou will guide this conversation of Bhakti Yoga, as the highest form of Yoga, through the clear and scientific lens of its philosophical substrate and not as religious dogma. As he always emphasizes, and as our Guru Parampara insists, the spiritual impetus behind religion and scientific analysis always confirms each other.

Participants will become familiar with classical Sanskrit as we chant out each verse and do guided exposition as to its meaning. If the Yoga Sutra is a “how to” reference for Raja Yoga, the Bhagavad Gita is the “why and wherefore” for Raja Yoga and Bhakti, the Yoga of Devotion as its logical outcome.

We invite all interested practitioners, seekers and teachers to come deepen their practice and understanding of the Sacred Science.

Learn the Anuttara Raja Flows and the deeper meaning behind each pose. There is a strong focus on anatomical structures and how they interact with natural forces.

We Meet

October 16th to December 11th

  • Saturdays 3 pm – 9 pm
  • Sundays 3 pm – 9 pm

No class: Saturday Oct 22 – Sunday Oct 23 (Self Study Weekend)

For online training you can participate on zoom or watch the uploaded recording after the weekend. If online and requiring certificate you must demonstrate attendance either by material proficiency or zoom attendance.

Everyone is invited to graduation attendance in person or online.

In person participants will attend in Ft Lauderdale. 

Saturday Oct 15 – Orientation 

Saturdays and Sundays
3:00 pm till 9:00 pm

Sunday December 11 – Graduation

Trainees must practice with Yogacarya Philip Christodoulou 4 times a week. Must have met all course requirements and financial requirements for graduation. 

Email: [email protected] for payment plan options.

The cost of the training is $3,995 and for 200HH+ trained teachers they can participate for 50% off. Email: [email protected] for teacher rates.

By completing this course you can secure a 25% discount on future memberships within the studio.

Anuttara Worldwide LLC and this online platform is a distinct business from Anuttara Yoga LLC which operates the Fort Lauderdale Studio. As such the offerings for benefits, discounts and special status promised by Anuttara Yoga LLC are not promised for Anuttara Worldwide LLC.

When you checkout for your in person training it will go through the studio’s Mindbody payment processor. This page exists only for combined marketing purposes. After checkout Anuttara Yoga LLC is responsible for servicing your training. You will receive a book on your first day inclusive of your training.

During the duration of this training, any memberships you currently have with the studio will be frozen so you can enjoy included unlimited yoga.

In-person membership does not include any online modules. To receive the recordings and attend live online students must enroll in the hybrid plan. If a student needs special accommodation for a given weekend they are required to pay $100 for each zoom workday. This payment does not include the recordings, zoom only.
This is a 200Hr training certification.
Ask for any applicable discounts: [email protected]
The Hybrid Plan is a full purchase of the in-person and online packages. Please read the terms and conditions of each to understand full purchase terms.
The online is only available for the 100Hr philosophy portion. You may attend online or in person.
Students are expected to attend in-person for the second part of the training for the second 100Hrs which totals as a 200Hr training certificate.
There is no distance requirement for this plan.

Raja Online: Philosophy Section

The full online course is only available to people who live outside of 20 miles from the Fort Lauderdale Studio or who have received an exemption from Philip Christodoulou for qualifying extenuating circumstances.

For exemption requests email: [email protected]

All refund requests are at our discretion and are only considered for extenuating circumstances.

You can attend live or watch the recordings. If you require the teaching certificate you are expected to attend live where we will track attendance to confirm the hours as fulfilled. If you cannot attend live then you can opt to demonstrate your proficiency with the course material to confirm your attendance. In that scenario it is at the instructors discretion as to whether you are granted your certification.

Online participants are required to secure their own book.

This package does not include the Unlimited Yoga Membership in-studio like the other plans.
This plan is only for the first 100Hrs of the philosophy component. You will have to purchase the hybrid training upfront if you plan to stay for the second half of the training which is in person only.
It is expected that for online zoom attendance that you will participate with your camera on unless given unique circumstances.

The mind is the source of suffering. When we quiet the mind, we achieve mastery over our reactions to circumstance.​

Philip Christodoulou

Training Enrollment - Promotion 20% OFF

Use Coupon: Raja20 at Checkout

For questions you can email: [email protected] or open a support ticket


In-Studio: Raja Teacher Training
(200Hr certificate)

$ 3997 In Person Only
  • Course Attendance
  • Unlimited Yoga (studio)
  • 200HR Certification
  • Book included
Best Experience

Online: Raja Training
(100Hr Certificate)

$ 797 Online Only
  • Online Participation
  • Recordings Library
  • 100Hr Certificate
  • -
  • -
Lowest Cost

Have Questions Before Registering?

Experience orientation day for free!

You can watch the recorded orientation day videos by registering below.

Schedule to Attend Orientation - Free

Saturday September 3rd at 3pm. Either online or at Anuttara Fort Lauderdale. Check email for logistics.