
Embark With Us on the Journey of a Lifetime​

Join us for Anuttara Hatha Yoga Teacher Training as we explore the traditions and roots of Yoga. The in-depth training will immerse you in the history, culture, language, lineage and practice of Anuttara Hatha Yoga.

Course Facilitated by: Philip Christodoulou

Anuttara Hatha Training

Please read training terms and conditions in the sections below. By purchasing your training you are agreeing to these terms.

We Meet

February 18th to April 14th

  • Saturdays 3 pm – 7 pm
  • Sundays 3 pm – 7 pm

For online training you can participate on zoom or watch the uploaded recording after the weekend. If online and requiring certificate you must demonstrate attendance either by material proficiency or zoom attendance.

Everyone is invited to graduation and orientation attendance in person or online.

In person participants will attend in Ft Lauderdale. 

Sunday February 18th – Orientation 

Saturdays and Sundays
3:00 pm till 7:00 pm

Sunday April 14th – Graduation

Trainees must practice with Yogacarya Philip Christodoulou 4 times a week. Must have met all course requirements and financial requirements for graduation. 

Email: [email protected] for payment plan options.

Hatha Yoga is “Forceful Yoga”. It is the Yoga of physical cultivation in order to achieve an Adamantine body, a strong and healthy body which is disease free and ageless. Such a body prepares the aspirant to receive the divine Grace of transcendental Self Realization.

Anuttara Hatha Yoga arranges the stock poses of Hatha Yoga into a logical order of pose and counterpose for maximum benefit and to avoid injury. The arrangement is based on the Sapta Krama or Seven Sequences. These are the beginning warmups and Kriyas, standing balancing poses, warriors and triangles, kneeling poses for spinal flexion, prone poses for back strength, sitting poses for hip opening and finally, various supine postures.

Our tradition starts centuries ago and is not limited to modern day styles named for specific instructors.  Different variations are just that, mere variations. What we do emphasize is proper alignment and avoiding the confusion of fusing different styles within a pose. We may do a set of postures standing in Samasthiti and repeat the same sequence but standing in Tadasana instead. The effects are astonishing.

Our template is the Eight-Limbed path of Ashtanga as described in the Yoga Sutra. Our practice is not just Asana practice or yoga pose, but especially ethics or Yama and moral observances or Niyama. We explore different Pranayama techniques, Bandhas, Mudras and Bhava or attitude. We integrate them all within the practice not as separate philosophical constructs, but as essentials to the expression of each pose.

We emphasize proper alignment, with variation options, touch assists and if needed, props. The students will explore anatomy, physiology, history, philosophy and basic Sanskrit vocabulary and mantras.

We are certain that you will find your voice to confidently instruct a well-rounded and enjoyable Hatha Yoga class. If your goal is not to teach, but to deepen your practice, you will not find a better venue than this.

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The cost of the training is $3,997 and for 200HH+ trained teachers they can participate for 50% off. Email: [email protected] for teacher rates.

By completing this course you can secure a 25% discount on future memberships within the studio.

Anuttara Worldwide LLC and this online platform is a distinct business from Anuttara Yoga LLC which operates the Fort Lauderdale Studio. As such the offerings for benefits, discounts and special status promised by Anuttara Yoga LLC are not promised for Anuttara Worldwide LLC.

When you checkout for your in person training it will go through the studio’s Mindbody payment processor. This page exists only for combined marketing purposes. After checkout Anuttara Yoga LLC is responsible for servicing your training. You will receive a book on your first day inclusive of your training.

During the duration of this training, any memberships you currently have with the studio will be frozen so you can enjoy included unlimited yoga.

In-person membership does not include any online modules. To receive the recordings and attend live online students must enroll in the hybrid plan. If a student needs special accommodation for a given weekend they are required to pay $100 for each zoom workday. This payment does not include the recordings, zoom only.
This is a 200Hr training certification.
Ask for any applicable discounts: [email protected]

The mind is the source of suffering. When we quiet the mind, we achieve mastery over our reactions to circumstance.​

Philip Christodoulou

Training Enrollment - Promotion 5% Off

For questions you can email: [email protected] or open a support ticket.


Have Questions Before Registering?

Experience orientation day for free!

You can get attendance information by registering below.

In Person: Hatha Training
(200hr certificate)

$ 3997 Online Only
  • In Person Access
  • Online Participation
  • Recordings Library
  • 200HR Certification
  • Unlimited Yoga (Studio)
Most Value

Now Offering Financing

Need Extra Time to Pay? Fill out the contact form to get application instructions.
Nathan Final 2 AWW

Schedule to Attend Orientation - Free

Saturday September 3rd at 3pm. Either online or at Anuttara Fort Lauderdale. Check email for logistics.

Financing Request Form

Please fill out the following form and we will be back to you within 2 business days.